mindful movement in STANDING

READ thru the full practice, imaging the movement in your mind, then MOVE. Note: this practice is a continuation of the SITTING practice, be sure to SIT first.

Take a few moments to scan your body in standing —starting from either your head or feet.

Notice the points of contact between your feet and the floor. Is there more weight in your forefoot, center foot, or heel? Is your weight disrupted the same on your left and right foot? How is your head positioned on your neck? Is your nose swiping slightly up or down, right or left?

As you move up or down the body, only make adjustments that help you feel more comfortable.

Bringing your attention to your nose, gently begin to swipe the tip of your nose downward toward your chest, continue to roll down your spine, one vertebra at a time, like a slinky —letting your arms hang at your sides, moving with you without intention. 

STOP when you feel a tug or tension in the back body OR if you feel your weight shift in your feet (either forward or back).

Gently bend your knees, exploring the point when you feel a release of tension in the back body or a shift in your weight placement.

STAY there at your knees while continuing to roll down your spine, letting the head hand and remain heavy. 

Find a comfortable stopping point in your range and BREATHE — INHALE + EXHALE 3x, imagining a softening and folding in the front body with every EXHALE.

Anchoring your attention in your feet or tailbone gently, begin to roll up the spine, stacking one vertebra at a time until you return to standing. Move through this 3x.

RETURN to your body scan. Notice what feels different, what feels the same, what was one thing that surprised you.

Once this practice becomes familiar to you, you can make it MEDITATIVE by adding more breath focus. INHALE before you begin. EXHALE as you gently swipe your nose down. INHALE as you roll up the spine and EXHALE in standing. Move with your breath cycle + repeat as desired.