3-part breathing

Efficient breathing mechanics requires movement in three main areas: the diaphragm, the ribcage, and the sternum. In the mechanics of breathing we discuss, the diaphragm and ribcage, here we’ll learn the role of the sternum and dive a little deeper into the diaphragm.

Let’s start at the sternum. TRY THIS: place your hand on your sternum and INHALE —from the base, the sternum, rises like the handle of a pump during INHALE. Why? Imagine the ribcage again, the sternum is attaches to the first seven ribs through soft tissue called cartilage. As the ribcage moves via the intercostal muscles, the attached sternum moves too; increasing the space in the front body.

Okay, so you may be asking yourself, what movement initiates the breath?

INHALATION is initiated by the diaphragm. As the diaphragm flattens it squishes the organs beneath it, increasing pressure in the abdominal cavity (called intra-abdominal pressure). Space is made for those organs vertically by the pelvic floor and horizontally by the abdominal muscles as both lengthen (eccentric contraction).

But what about the belly? As noted above, the abdomen lengthens during inhalation. TRY THIS: shorten the abdominal muscles by drawing your navel down and in towards your spine. Now release.

Ready to put it all together? Let’s try 3-part breathing.

1. Place a hand on your sternum. Breathe, notice the movement of your sternum up and out as you inhale, down, and in as you exhale. Repeat until this movement is noticeable with minimal effort.

2. Place a hand on your abdomen. Breathe, notice the movement of your abdomen rising as you inhale and falling as you exhale. Repeat until this movement is noticeable with minimal effort. 

3. Place your hands on your lateral rib cage. Breathe, notice the movement of your ribs out and up as you inhale and down and in as you exhale.

4. Place one hand on your sternum and the other on your abdomen. Breathe, notice the movement of your ribs. Notice which hand moves first.

5. Place one hand on your sternum and the other on your abdomen. Breathe into your abdomen, HOLD, breathe into your lateral ribcage, HOLD, breathe into your sternum, HOLD, exhale everything. Rinse and repeat for 1-2 minutes.